Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Former Archbishop Hanan continues to lead the fight for moral clarity in the Catholic Church. Today he stood in opposition to the vapid and tired knee-jerk cowardice of the Bishops in drafting a resolution designed at undermining Bush's efforts to rid the world of the Butcher of Baghdad.

"You finally come down to a situation where they can enslave whomever they wish, whomever they think is against their particular code, and that's what we cannot tolerate," he said. "They're not realistic because (they've) never seen what is the result of absolute disregard of human rights," Hannan said of the other bishops. "They've never seen it; they don't know what the hell they're talking about."

I think ArchBishop Hanan is too kind to his bretheren. They have turned a blind-eye, not because of ignorance, but because they themselves lack the founding moral clarity that should emanate from the Church's Christian principles. Sad and pathetic that Hanan's courageous voice is in the minority. D.GOOCH

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